Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Today I am writing about some kind of frustration I have. It keeps growing each day and each time when I see people miss typing a lot.  I really mean those people who uses the word “you” only writing “U” and "C" for see.  I don’t know if years by years people are getting a little “lazy” to writing in lines that we can read without having headaches for understanding what they are mean, or I am getting too old for this. There are many of us who are allowing it by their own choice, however. Personally, there is no way it's going to happen to me. 

Is this the death of the English language?...or...Is it the metamorphosis and evolution of an ever changing dialect?  Linguistics rarely ever stay the same over time. By time, I am referencing a few hundred years or so. Think back to the previous periods of 1700's, 1800's and even the 1900's, there is a noticeable difference in the style English and how it is used. I am fairly confident that an English grammar teacher from the 1700's would view our use English today as utterly butchered. 

Internet slang’s and language are really killing the language. Some “u c waat I mean? ” and all those creepy lines get me sick, I keep thinking if people who are behind their computers are just kids learning how to write and type… We can see this a lot in chats, even blogs, and I still keep thinking, if someday they get a job interview, will they write in their curriculum the same vulgar Internet language as well, and see if they will be called to start working soon as they think they will….

English is not my primary language but well, I would like to write and pass the image that I am trying to be serious. The way members on social site talk or write when they are responding to comments or the replies of others and even the way they word their questions and blogs make me think sometimes that we are communicating with animals or aliens and one of extremely low intelligence. Most of them don't know how to spell the simplest words, how to compose a sentence correctly, or anything about correct grammar or punctuation.... When you type correctly, the first impression you pass to others is the seriousness about what you are doing at something.

What hurts more is when you are trying to talk with someone in serious issues they start typing like that, I get lost on their purposes and meanings, and somehow, I think they aren’t really getting serious on what I am talking. When I see some of the things that people post on the internet, particularly young people, I get extremely annoyed. Sometimes they just do things like miss out the vowels, which is really lazy in my opinion. Other times, you wonder what did they actually learn in whatever school that they went to, because they don't seem to be able to even string a sentence together without making a lot of spelling errors in the process. The majority of people and students in school cannot spell simple words anymore. They cannot formulate simple sentences, and forget about them to construct a decent paragraph. In fact, many students in colleges don't know how to write because they are constantly texting and instant messaging each other, and it shows on their answer papers, record books, projects and even in their bio-data. 

This is a huge outcome of the majority of students bunking English classes or not too serious about it. Situation is pathetic specially with Science Students, who need the language the most and are the "Prime-ignorants". I think that they should really know the English Language first, and I mean "truly knowing" the English Language before they learn to text.

Most teenagers say it’s “more fast and easy" to type something that they want”,  but hell, if you want to type, at least do it clearly so that next person can read it “more fast and easy". I am not obligated to see your assassination of my language. I want to read it clear, straight without vulgar Internet slang. Less “U” words I see, better and more serious I will think about your approach towards me or the issue. I wish to see MY students and MY people typing correctly, no matter place or occasion it is… Think about when you get a job… if you work on publicity or marketing enterprises and talk or write this way like you do, … Take time to learn and and type it good, if you want to rush and want to use less words to say than what you feel… It’s better you to just keep shut for the moment and save the typing for a later time…

I recommend my students and friends to either write in good English or write in good Hindi or Marathi. A thousand learning ehtusiastic eyes are watching you. I have decided not to not reply to any of the sentences which are using English words for Hindi or Marathi or vice-versa. Also I will not entertain using short forms, style forms, and all that nonsensical literature of the SMS that KILLS the essence literature and abuses Mother Saraswati. Literature in any language is highly sanctum and we as its users MUST respect it. 

"LEARNING" to drive away the illiteracy is what seperates humans from other life forms and "ILLITERACY" of a novel kind is what these kids are learning. This basically fails everything and everybody's efforts. They fail themselves, their lives, their parents and their teachers. The more they do it, the more rapid is the journey back to the Jungle. 

Well, sorry for all this bad mood, but I needed to say this, somehow, as this Internet slang is highly polluting and thus murderous................…


  1. These Internet slangs now a days became an integral part of our life. The words like GM, HAND, OMG etc. are too common to use in daily life. And when someone does't use or even doesn't know their meanings then he/she may be supposed as 'Outdated'.( I recall my incident when for first time my friend used HAND word in message, and I asked her what this HAND means?)

    Sir, till today I Was also of the opinion that these Internet Slangs are "more fast,easy and mainly Time saving" to type but I Promise from today onward I will not use them and will not create further language pollution.

    1. That is a very Good Promise Pooja. It takes a wise brain to accept and change. And about those who think that not knowing slang is out dated or not in vougue I can only recall a statement which I remember always what my English Prof. at Shivaji college used to quote in our class that "People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do". Its always fools who dare to venture in those areas where a wise would not dare. Also about these "fashion kings and queens" of the slang I see that there are two kinds of fools first those who can't change their opinions and second those who won't. Anybody who is a student should restrain oneself from such foolish language.

  2. Hi Shiva.. I totally agree with you about the language pollution.. As mentioned by Pooja.. if you ask about these slangs.. you are like fool in front of them.. and honestly henceforth i will also not use these slangs..

    1. Dearest Akka, this is the biggest compliment for your little brother. A senior most person like you accepting to change for the good is not only heartwarming but also edifying to me and all my students. Thanks a lot for such a big hearted response.

  3. @ Pooja and Akka - Your HAND slang, which I suppose is Have a Nice Day and I don't really bother if I may be wrong though. This was nothing compared to what I saw from a teenager recently he was mentioning PMYMHMMFSWGAD to his friend on his mobile. When I asked him he slyly replied, as if I was an uneducated idiot, but the "Long form" of PMYMHMMFSWGAD immediately proved who was the real idiot. I asked him how the hell he remembers it, to which he coolly replied "Whats in that??". And my classroom Louis Pasteur's worshipers could never spell the names of bacteria properly. I can bet it will never be 10/10 in such a test. The abbreviation PMYMHMMFSWGAD was "Pardon Me,You Must Have Mistaken Me For Someone Who Gives A Damn". I can just quote my favorite Robert Frost here who had said "Forgive, O Lord, my little jokes on Thee And I'll forgive Thy great big one on me." :)

  4. Hi Dr.Aithal,
    Your Blog about language pollution shows your great concern and the love of language. Ruining any language is a crime, but we are just witnesses to this taciturn tamasha with no options to check the ruining of language. All the credit goes to the modern doctors of language, who have left their patients to the mercy of time....

  5. Enjoy the lingua-shrunka. May God save our children.

  6. Dear Sir, Thanks for sparing time to read my thoughts. Enjoying this stuff is easier said than done. I remember "Lingua Franka" when we migrated from Karnataka to Maharashtra. Many practice it till date with hindi and marathi, but it never posed much of a threat, as it meant to 'move on'. We never see its effect in examination answers, but this "Lingua Shrunka" is definitely has unzipped the 'post office' and the vulgarity is exposed in answer sheets. We become what we behold, and its only us who behold things ethically can save our children by healthy practices. :)

  7. Shiva Sir,
    You are absolutely correct.HAND means Have A Nice day :)
    And yes, HAND is nothing as compared to PMYMHMMFSWGAD :) :)

  8. Indeed the misuse of English language particularly in day to day life in going to increase as we look in the history of human kind about the usage of words....but it's the mindset of humankind which is reflecting itself on Internet...
    We can simply say that - Mindset can be changed, but in reality human society already give the permission to destroy our languages in our own choosen way because of , so called convenience or laziness ...

    As you mentioned about college students chats, comments on social media which is in short form like hmm..kk...v4r..ohk...etc
    The main problem I think as a college student in our age group ,is -FOMO (Fear of missing out) ..
    I'm sure nowadays all the age groups faces this problem in a serious way......
    To overcome the FOMO , most of us use different trends typing in short words is one of them and lots of other as you already analysed in a better way in the blog ....
    I must say, most of us already know real cause but the FOMO has it's effects on human wellbeing..
    I've also bunked my English classes, So sorry for grammar mistakes..

    I don't know that this comment is relevant or any importance but I want to share so I wrote down in my thoughts...

    Thank you for such a beautiful initiative .... :)

    Keep posting...
